Quality control | ДМЭ-аэрозоль

Quality control

The top priority for DME Aerosol LLC is to maintain the highest quality of its product by using one of the best equipped and state-of-the-art laboratories in this market segment.

DME analyses are made by highly-qualified laboratory assistants and engineers with higher professional education. The laboratory staff was trained to work with high-tech laboratory equipment.

The methods of quality control for DME are certified by the state metrological institute of Saint Petersburg.

The laboratory staff is familiar with the methods of high-performance gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, spectrophotometry, coulometry etc. The methods of analysis are certified by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Mendeleev VNIIM, Saint Petersburg.

The equipment used for DME analysis:

  • chromato-mass-spectrometer 5977В GC/MSD by Agilent;
  • gas chromatographs by Agilent;
  • gas chromatographs Clarus 580 by Perkin Elmer;
  • coulometric moisture analyzer for liquefied gases 875 КF Gas Analyzer by Metrohm;
  • titrators by Mettler Toledo and Metrohm;
  • analytical balance by Mettler Toledo.